Business List Lookup

Specify the location & a search keyword to see a list of businesses in the area.

Arts & Entertainment
Beauty & Self Care

Food & Drinks

Click Load More to retrieve up to 60 addresses of businesses that match the selection criteria

How does this work?

Business List Lookup helps to build a mailing list, targeting businesses in the area. To get started, enter the location of the search area. (It can be a full mailing address, a town name or a zip code). You should see a red marker on the map that shows the location you've selected. Then, enter a keyword(s) to describe the business and click search. Click Load More button to see additional addresses.

How do I preview the list of addresses?

Click on the List tab to preview the list of addresses. Modify the list by unselecting the addresses not relevant to your mailing.

How do I use the filter criteria?

There are two options to search for specific businesses in the area:

  • Option 1 - Use a Business Keyword. For example, typing 'roofing' will search for businesses that use this keyword in the business name or business description.
  • Option 2 - Click on Filter by Business Type. By default, 'All' category is selected. Select a specific category to narrow down the search. When searching by category, you can leave the Business Keyword field blank, or use it to refine the search further.

How many addresses can I mail to?

Even though the initial search retrieves 20 addresses, click Load More multiple times to retrieve up to 60 addresses.

Is it possible to remove some of the addresses?

Yes. Please click on the List tab to review the list and remove addresses that are not relevant to your mailing.

I'd like to target multiple locations?

We recommend placing multiple orders when you need to target multiple geographic areas. If you are looking for a larger list, or a more precise business targeting criteria (revenue, employee count, or industry, etc) we can help you purchase a custom mailing list from a data provider.

What happens after I place the order?

We verify the addresses for deliverability, review the submitted artwork and submit the order to print. The postcards are mailed First Class and should arrive within 5 business days (about a week). You will receive email notifications when the order is sent to print and when the postcards arrive.

Where can I learn more about Neighborhood Postcards?

Thank you for your interest! We've helped thousands of small businesses throughout the years. For more information about our service and to read a full set of Frequently Asked Questions, check out our home page -

Type an address into the search box to look up a mailing list.
Mail postcards to these businesses. Click Save & Next to select the postcard size and upload images